Monday, March 31, 2008

Water pollution

Water pollution is a very serious problem is China. There are three main causes, industry pollution, household waste, over-use fertilizer. The main cause for the industry pollution is the wrong develop concept which puts the economy development at first place, but pays less attention to the environment. So people pollute the environment to maximize economic benefit. And the government does not have very strict laws to punish companies who are polluting the environment. Another main reason for the water pollution is household waste. Waste cannot be fully dealt with because the technology can not catch up. Therefore, there is more and more rubbish thrown into rivers directly or put onto river banks without dealing with it. The third main cause for water pollution is over utilizing of fertilizer and organic nutrients. Over utilizing of fertilizer makes the populations of aquatic bacteria increase rapidly. The bacteria use too much oxygen in water to decompose the organic nutrients and that kills differ forms of lives in water and produces some kind of poisons which kills more life forms. The water pollution has a lot of seriously bad effects. Polluted water costs a lot to meet the standard for using and drinking. Polluted water affects the biodiversity, many kinds of animal species died out because of water pollution. The polluted water also causes very serious diseases. There are lots of reasons that lead to the water pollution, and water pollution brings a lot of trouble to people.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Zero waste is ‘better’ than land-filling

When comparing two types of waste disposal schemes in China, zero waste is more suitable than land-filling on the surface. Land-filling is used in many countries, but it is dangerous. Burying the rubbish does not mean it disappear, but exists deep underground. The poisons in waste can spread out through the underground water as well as the earth. Zero waste aims to recycle the waste and reuse it, which is turn waste to treasure. If there is no waste, no pollution will be caused by waste. This is the reason for zero waste to environmental friendly. Land-filling is very costly. Government need to invest a lot of money to bury the solid rubbish produced every day. But zero waste is a new way to reuse waste and make the waste into ‘resource’, which can create business opportunities and employment for people. From the two aspects above, zero waste is definitely good for every country. But facts are a little different. Zero waste is difficult to achieve and it is more costly to design to make full use of raw materials. For many developing countries like China, land-filling is much cheaper than zero waste. Only these developed countries who realize the environment is more valuable will invest large amount of money to develop the zero waste system. Many developing countries just do not have that much of money to invest the environment. Even though it sounds good to have zero waste, it is not applicable in my country.